The Gifts of Conflict


Back when we first began doing group channeling, Kim and Teresa asked a question, “Who are you?”

I had learned through my mentor that there was no “you” out there; it was instead my higher power talking directly to your higher and then telling your human mind what your higher power was telling me. To suddenly be asked to identify someone or something outside of me was unsettling.

Even more disruptive to me was “their” answer: “You can call us Angels.”

In retrospect, it was the best evasive answer the Party would have given us. Certainly these Angels’ perspective was filled with compassion, as one might imagine Angels would be. And they loved us with every fiber of their non-physical existence. But they told us early on they were here to teach us to resolve conflicts in a revolutionary way that would bring world peace, one person at a time, and Conflict REVOLUTION® was born.

Funny how no one wants to rush straight into resolving their conflicts. Conflict is treated like a leper, as if its presence is in some way unnatural. Accepting conflict as not only a natural but anticipated event allows us to use intention and creativity to actively transform the suffering of the conflict into the creative solution for the good of all.

The first step is intending to do that. The second is to watch and be amazed.

Join us Saturday, June 11, 9 AM central for a discussion and channel about the GIFTS of Conflict. Let’s talk about the amazing and revolutionary ways we can approach our conflicts to transform them into miracles that might not have happened had we not changed our own perspectives first.

As we revolutionize the way we process life’s natural daily conflicts, we change the world.

Always free, all are welcome!